Expert Bio

Ivan Balabanov
Ivan has won the 2007 FCI All Breeds World Championship with Quenny ot Vitosha (93-95-97-285 pts) as well as the 2007 FMBB World Championships with a 98 point Obedience routine! With Quenny, Ivan also won the 2005, 2006 and 2007 AWDF Championships! In addition to his success with Quenny, Ivan earned a fourth place with Vice World Champion Django ot Vitosha. Quenny earned a 99 points in protection and 98 in obedience while Django won 1st place handler/owner trained and high obedience at 99 points. Four Ot Vitosha dogs made the USA team! Having been the 2001 USA Nationals Champion, 2003 American Working Malinois Association IPO3 Champion as well many, many Schutzhund World Team Member, Ivan's techniques are truly innovative receiving positive critical acclaim both Nationally and Internationally from top trainers in the world of dog-sport. He's co-author of Advanced Schutzhund (Howell Books, 1999) which was a finalist in the Dog Writer's Association of America competition.
In total, Ivan has won 17 national/world level championships.
Some of Ivan's personal accomplishments include:
- 2016 AWDF National Champion
- 2016 AWMA National Champion
- 2015 AWDF National Champion
- 2015 AWMA National Champion
- 2014 AWMA National Champion
- 2007 FMBB World Champion
- 2007 FCI World Champion
- 2007 AWDF National Champion
- 2006 AWDF National Champion
- 2005 AWDF National Champion
- 2003 AWMA National Champion
- 2002 AWDF National Champion
- 2001 USCA National IPO Champion
- 2001 AWDF National Champion
- 2000 FMBB Vice-World Champion
- 2000 WDF National Champion
Some of Ivan's personal competition details include:
- 2X World Champion- FMBB and FCI
- 7X American Working Malinois Association Champion
- 7X American Working Dog Federation Champion
- Rock Ot Vitosha IPO III and his handler/trainer Ivan Balabanov for their win at the 2009 AWMA Nationals!
- Rock Ot Vitosha IPO III and his handler/trainer Ivan Balabanov for their win at the 2008 AWMA Nationals!
- Quenny Ot Vitosha IPO III (The One) and his handler/trainer Ivan Balabanov for their win at the 2007 FCI World Championships in Torino, Italy! (93-95-97-285 pts)
- Quenny Ot Vitosha IPO III (The One) and his handler/trainer Ivan Balabanov for their win at the 2007 FMBB World Championships! (98 points in Obedience)
- Quenny Ot Vitosha IPO III (The One) and his handler/trainer Ivan Balabanov for their win at the 2007 AWDF Championships.
- Quenny Ot Vitosha IPO III (The One) and his handler/trainer Ivan Balabanov for their win at the 2006 AWDF Championships.
- Quenny Ot Vitosha IPO III (The One) and his handler/trainer Ivan Balabanov for their win at the 2005 AWDF Championships as well as his fourth place with Vice World Champion, Django Ot Vitosha SchH3, IPO3, FH!
- Doc Ot Vitosha ScH III, IPO III (Cody) and his handler/trainer Silke Balabanov for their win at the 2004 AWMA Nationals!
- Cynthia Zimmerman and her malinois A' Bete Visage Noir vom BMT. for high obedience and high protection at the 2004 American Working Dog Association Nationals as well as high obedience (99) and high protection (97) at the 2004 North American Championships!
- Douglas Surber earned 98 points, a second place in obedience, and tied for high protection with Cynthia Zimmerman with 97 points in protection at the 2004 North American Championships!
- 12th place at FCI/IPO Championship (best placing US team ever at this championship!)
- 1998 FH (97 points highest score)
- 5th at 1995 USA Nationals
- 1995 USA Northwest Regional Champion
- 2000 AWDF SchH3 Champion
- 2000 USA Nationals 1st place H.O.T. ( handler owner trained) 6th overall
- 2000 World Championship for Belgian Shepherds (Homburg/Germany) Vice Champion!
- At the same competition his dog was awarded the trophy for the youngest dog at the trial!
- 2001 AWDF IPO 3 Champion
- 2001 USA North Americans 1st place H.O.T. and High Obedience
- 2001 USA SchH3 National Champion
- 2002 USA SchH3 Nationals 3rd place over all and 1st place H.O.T. with score of 290 Ivan has been 4 times 1st place H.O.T. at the USA Nationals with 2 diferent dogs!
- 2003 American Working Malinois Association IPO 3 National Champion
- Coach for A'Shane Ot Vitosha & Kelly Martin
- Three time DVG/America SchH III National Champions
- 1998, 1999, 2000 back to back!!!
- 1999 Deutsche Meistershaft - vice Champion with 97/94/96 (287) score
- 1999 USA Nationals 5th place
- 1997 DVG Nationals 3rd place and 6th at Deutshe Meistershaft (same year)
- 1997 USA North West Regional Champion
- 1996 USA Nationals 4th overall
- 1996 USA Nationals 1st place H.O.T.
- 9th at 1996 North American Championship and 1st place - Owner/Handler trained!
- Coached Brownie Bombardier Ot Vitosha & Kathy O'Brian
- from puppy to the First (and only as of yet) Mondio Ring 3 trained dog in USA!
- Bomber and Kathy are also the only American team to compete three times at Mondio Ring 3 World Championships 1998, 1999, and 2000.
- Bomber also placed 1st at the K-9 Pro Sports competition in 2000.
- plus...........4 time member of different USA teams
Kelly Martin / Shane ot Vitosha / Ivan Balabanov Coached Amok Ot Vitosha & Martha Hoffman to:
- 3rd place DVG Nationals 1998
- 9th at North American (high obedience)
- Twice Belgian Shepherd World Championship team member
- 1997 FCI/IPO USA team member
- 1998 Deutsche Meistershaft participant
Coached Kelly Martin & Bocca Ot Vitosha to:
- 2nd place at the 1999 DVG /America SchH III Championship with score of 292
- 2000 USA North West Regional Champion
- 2001 DVG Regional Champion (south CA)
Coached Susanna Suomensaari & Chicory Ot Vitosha to:
- SchH II champion at the 1999 DVG America Nationals
The list keeps going...!
To contact Ivan, or for more information on his accolades, dogs, training and seminars, contact:
Obedience without Conflict: Clear Communication
- 2003 Communicator Award of Distinction
- 2004 Videographer Award of Distinction
- 2004 DV Award Winner
- 2004 25th Annual Telly Award Winner
- 2005 New York Festivals International Film and Video Competition Finalist Winner
Obedience without Conflict: The Game
- 2003 Communicator Award of Distinction
- 2004 Videographer Award of Excellence
- 2004 DV Award Winner
- 2004 25th Annual Telly Award Winner
- 2005 New York Festivals International Film and Video Competition Finalist
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov: The Retrieve
- 2009 Ava Awards Gold Winner
- 2009 DV Award Winner
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov: The Motion Exercises, Recall and Send-Away
- 2009 MarCom Creative Gold Award
- 2009 Ava Awards Gold Winner
- 2009 DV Award Winner
Advanced Schutzhund - A Book by Ivan Balabanov and Karen Duet $29.95
Obedience w/o Conflict 1- Clear Communication (DVD)/ Adv. Schutzhund (book) Combo $89.90 $69.95
Obedience w/o Conflict 2- The Game (DVD)/ Adv. Schutzhund (book) Combo $89.90 $69.95
Obedience w/o Conflict 1 & 2 DVD's/ Adv. Schutzhund (book) Combo $129.95 $109.85
Obedience w/o Conflict 3- The Retrieve (DVD)/ Adv. Schutz (book)/ Retrieve Dowel Combo $95.95 $75.95
Obedience w/o Conflict 3 DVD Set/ Adv. Schutzhund (book)/ Retrieve Dowel Combo $170.90 $155.80
Obedience w/o Conflict 4- The Motion Exercises, Recall and Send-Away (DVD)/Advanced Schutzhund (book) $89.90 $69.95
Obedience w/o Conflict 4 DVD Set/ Adv. Schutzhund (book)/ Retrieve Dowel Combo $220.85 $189.75
The Retrieve Dowel $12.95
The Clix Training Dumbbell $3.99
The Booda Soft Bite Floppy Disc $0.00
Canine Training Systems Agitation Whip $0.00
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 1- Clear Communication Streaming $59.95 $44.95
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 1- Clear Communication Streaming (German) $59.95 $44.95
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 2- The Game Streaming $59.95 $44.95
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 2- The Game Streaming (German) $59.95 $44.95
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 3- The Retrieve Streaming $59.95 $44.95
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 4- The Motion Exercises, Recall and Send-Away $59.95 $44.95
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 3 & 4 Set Streaming $119.90 $79.95
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov 1, 2 & 3 Set Streaming $150.85 $119.85
Obedience without Conflict DVD 1, 2, 3 & 4 Video Set Streaming $199.80 $159.80
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 1 & 2 Set Streaming (English) $119.90 $79.95
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 1 & 2 Set Streaming (German) $119.90 $79.95
Rolled Leather Tug- 1.5" X 10" with 2 Handles $15.95
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 1- Clear Communication $59.95 $44.95
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 2- The Game $59.95 $44.95
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 3- The Retrieve DVD/ Retrieve Dowel Combo $65.95 $50.95
Obedience without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 4- The Motion Exercises, Recall and Send-Away $59.95 $44.95
Obedience without Conflict DVD 1 & 2 Set $119.90 $79.95
Obedience without Conflict DVD 3 & 4 Retrieve Dowel Set $125.90 $85.95
Obedience without Conflict DVD 1, 2 & 3 Retrieve Dowel Set $150.85 $119.85
Obedience without Conflict DVD 1, 2, 3 & 4 Retrieve Dowel Set $205.80 $165.80
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 1- Clear Communication
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 1- Clear Communication (Deutsch)
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 2- The Game
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 2- The Game (Deutsch)
Obedience Without Conflict with Ivan Balabanov Video 3- The Retrieve (Subtitled)
Obedience w/o Conflict Video 4- The Motion Exercises, Recall and Send-Away (Subtitled)