The Blog
Our Online Note Pad

A lot happens behind the scenes at Canine Training Systems that is interesting, hilarious and sometimes incredibly frustrating. Sound familiar? We've added a blog to relay information that doesn't "fit" anywhere else. You're not going to see writing for the sake of it, but rather updates, behind the scenes information and stuff we think you will relate to.
If you're interested in the development of a champion, the progression of a technique or what happens in the daily life of some of our technical experts, check it out. Have a question that isn't answered on the forum, send us an e-mail, you may get an email from a technical expert or read about it here!
While you're at it, feel free to sign up for the RSS Feed and share with your friends and colleagues. If you know someone that we should ask to guest blog here, let us know that too!
Our Suite of Interactive Resources

In case you can't tell, we're dog lovers! More than just that, we're interested in the way they think, their behavior and how to shape what they bring to the equation into something that benefits us all. Through this, we build stronger relationships.
Our desire at Canine Training Systems is that you gain knowledge and the skill to apply it. To that end, we've expanded our site to include resources that we hope you'll find beneficial. We hope you'll explore, share and become a part of our team. We value our relationship.
"Our mission is to help our customers achieve their training goals by consistently delivering high quality, innovative products through a successful customer service environment."
If we can do things better, further help you meet your goals or you know of someone we should work with, please contact us.