The Dog Aggression Workbook is an interactive guide for owners of dogs that behave aggressively. The workbook presents systematic and highly efficient and effective, positive reinforcement-based approach to understanding, assessing and changing aggressive behaviors in dogs.
Chapters and some subcontent includes:
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Some Perspective?
- What About You?
- Hiring and Working With a Professional Behavior Consultant
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Guardian and Professional Dog Behavior Consultant
- Behavior Consultant
- Liability Issues
- Perspecitives on Behavior and Changing Behavior
- Chapter 2. What is Aggressive Behaviors and Why Do Dogs Aggress
- What is Aggressive Behavior?
- Why do Dog's Aggress?
- Interpreting a Dog's Communication Signals
- Affiliative Signals
- Play Signals
- Less Aroused Affiliative Signals
- Ambivalent Affiliative/Appeasement Signals
- Agnositic Signals
- Appeasement Signals
- Passive Appeasement Signals
Active Appeasement Signals
- Ambivalent Aggressive/Appeasement Signals
- Aggressive Signals
- Ambivalent Aggressive/Affiliative Signals
- Conflicted Signals
- Ambivalent Signals
- Cutoff Behavior
- Displacement Activities
- Greetings Rituals
- How to Handle Aggressive Signals
- Stress and Aggressive Behavior
- Fight-or-Flight Response
- Adaptation and Exhaustion
- Signs of Stress and Distress
- Chapter 3. Principles of Learning and Behavior Change
- Principles of Learning and Behavior Change
- What is Behavior and Learning?
- Respondent Conditioning
- Operant Conditioning
- The ABC's of Behavior
- The Contingency Table
- Increasing the Frequency of Behaviors
- Positive Punishment
- Negative Punishment
- Extinction
- Variables Influencing Operant Conditioning
- Operant-Responsdent Interrelationships
- Chapter 4. Assessment
- What is a Functional Assessment and How Do I Do One?
- Chapter 5. Behavior Change Procedures and Constructing Your Behavior Change Program
- Looking at Options
- Goals
- Safety First
- Respondent-Conditioning-Based Behavior Change Procedures
- Counterconditioning
- Systemic Desensitization
- Operant-Conditioning-Based Behavior Change Procedures
- Behavior Replacement
- The Strategy
- Manipulating Antecedents (Antecedent Control Procedures)
- Some Common Antecedent Control Procedures
- What's Wrong with Aversives?
- Chapter 6. Strategies for Common Scenarios
- On-Leash Aggressive Behaviors
- Guarding Behaviors
- Food Bowl Guarding
- Object Guarding
- Location Guarding
- Person Guarding
- Predatory Behaviors
- Dog-Dog Aggressive Behavior
- Dog-Dog Aggressive Behavior Between Dogs who Live Together
- Train Each Dog Individually
- Train in Pairs
- Train in Groups
- Recommended Resources
- Glossary of Terms
- References Cited
by James O’Heare, 2011, 140 pgs, eBook.
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