The complete series that sets the standard for agility videos! Beautifully filmed at Jane's renowned Flashpaws Training Center in Houston, TX.
This set includes:
- Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake 1- Obstacle Training Streaming
- Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons Moake 2- Sequence Training Streaming
- Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake 3- Advanced Skills Training Streaming
Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake- Obstacle Training Streaming
This Award-Winning video with Jane Simmons-Moake illustrates how to teach your dog to negotiate each dog agility training competition obstacle safely and efficiently, with excellence in mind. A strong emphasis is placed on the principles in building a strong foundation for sequence and advanced competition skills.
English Chapter List:
- Main intro
- Training Tools
- Obstacle Training Principles
- The Open Tunnel
- The Closed Tunnel
- The Pause Table
- The Weave Poles
- Contact Obstacles
- The A-Frame
- The Dog Walk
- The See-Saw
- Jumps
- Broad Jumps
- The Tire Jump
Copyright Canine Training Systems®, Podium View™ On Demand Streaming, 81 minutes.
Winner of the Dog Writer's Association of America "Best Video of the Year" Award- 1998
Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake- Sequence Training Streaming
This beautiful video details how to sequence smoothly from one obstacle to the next, to reach your dog's highest potential for speed and accuracy in the incredibly popular sport of
Read More ▼The complete series that sets the standard for agility videos! Beautifully filmed at Jane's renowned Flashpaws Training Center in Houston, TX.
This set includes:
- Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake 1- Obstacle Training Streaming
- Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons Moake 2- Sequence Training Streaming
- Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake 3- Advanced Skills Training Streaming
Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake- Obstacle Training Streaming
This Award-Winning video with Jane Simmons-Moake illustrates how to teach your dog to negotiate each dog agility training competition obstacle safely and efficiently, with excellence in mind. A strong emphasis is placed on the principles in building a strong foundation for sequence and advanced competition skills.
English Chapter List:
- Main intro
- Training Tools
- Obstacle Training Principles
- The Open Tunnel
- The Closed Tunnel
- The Pause Table
- The Weave Poles
- Contact Obstacles
- The A-Frame
- The Dog Walk
- The See-Saw
- Jumps
- Broad Jumps
- The Tire Jump
Copyright Canine Training Systems®, Podium View™ On Demand Streaming, 81 minutes.
Winner of the Dog Writer's Association of America "Best Video of the Year" Award- 1998
Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake- Sequence Training Streaming
This beautiful video details how to sequence smoothly from one obstacle to the next, to reach your dog's highest potential for speed and accuracy in the incredibly popular sport of dog agility. This video will help you develop a consistent set of cues for communicating with your dog on the Agility course so that he will understand your directives instantly, even at high speeds and great distances, enabling you to achieve spectacular Agility runs. Excellent for anyone that wants to improve skills in dog agility training.
English Chapter List:
- Introduction
- Setting Your Standards High
- Commands, Signals & Body Language
- Sequence Training Principles
- Turn Sequences
- Sequencing & Contact Zones
- Side Switches
- Side Switches on Jumps
- Side Switches on Tunnels
- Side Switches on Contact Obstacles
- Side Switches on Weave Poles
- Building Longer Sequences
- The "Out" Command
- Distraction Training
- Putting it all Together
Copyright Canine Training Systems®, Podium View™ On Demand Streaming, 77 minutes.
Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake- Advanced Skills Training Streaming
This beautiful video illustrates the isolation and training of many of the highest-level advanced skills needed to compete successfully at the most advanced levels of dog agility competition. It also describes how to strengthen existing skills for attaining predictable, solid performances in the Agility ring.
English Chapter List:
- Introduction
- Advanced Weave-Pole Skills
- Sending Through the Weave-Poles
- The “Weave-Ball” Game
- Proofing Weave-Pole Entries
- Sliding off the Table
- The Table-Racing Game
- Send and Run
- Layering
- Obstacle Discrimination
- The “Get Out” Command
- Pinwheels
- Folding
- Zig-Zag Jump Sequences
- “Heel” and “Side” Commands
- Advanced Distance Work
- Linear Distance
- Gambles
- Training at Home
Copyright Canine Training Systems®, Podium View™ On Demand Streaming, 82 minutes.
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