Training the Police and Military Working Dog Helper with Franco Angelini-
Part 1 - The Foundation
Franco Angelini is in high-demand worldwide for his professional K9 seminars in the areas of police service, military and Special Forces applications. His sold out seminar schedule keeps him incredibly busy year round on multiple continents so that host agencies can better train, develop and understand the vital role of the helper in professional service. With over 900 K9 team certifications since 1989, Franco has garnered the nickname, The K9 Bite Doctor.
In this first, in the series of productions with Franco, we will introduce you to Franco’s detailed explanations of canine behavior; balanced drives, canine communication, body language and behavioral signals. We detail how the helper should utilize this information to improve every interaction with the professional K9. This “sparring partner“ mindset sets the basis for interactions during sessions that will begin the progression of taking a novice dog to a truly powerful department asset.
Beginning with the information in a K9 handler briefing, this title will detail what the dog presents the helper, how to utilize this to create a full, powerful grips and communicate clearly back to both the dog and handler. Through the use of auditory signals and body language, a common language will be understood and integrated for the promotion of the dog as a powerful working partner. Through consistent
Training the Police and Military Working Dog Helper with Franco Angelini-
Part 1 - The Foundation
Franco Angelini is in high-demand worldwide for his professional K9 seminars in the areas of police service, military and Special Forces applications. His sold out seminar schedule keeps him incredibly busy year round on multiple continents so that host agencies can better train, develop and understand the vital role of the helper in professional service. With over 900 K9 team certifications since 1989, Franco has garnered the nickname, The K9 Bite Doctor.
In this first, in the series of productions with Franco, we will introduce you to Franco’s detailed explanations of canine behavior; balanced drives, canine communication, body language and behavioral signals. We detail how the helper should utilize this information to improve every interaction with the professional K9. This “sparring partner“ mindset sets the basis for interactions during sessions that will begin the progression of taking a novice dog to a truly powerful department asset.
Beginning with the information in a K9 handler briefing, this title will detail what the dog presents the helper, how to utilize this to create a full, powerful grips and communicate clearly back to both the dog and handler. Through the use of auditory signals and body language, a common language will be understood and integrated for the promotion of the dog as a powerful working partner. Through consistent promotion we begin the process of developing an “aura of invincibility” in the dog. Because the helper is a teacher and promoter of the grip, the ideal learning and drive state is discussed for the benefit of progression and stress reduction.
The role of equipment, both beneficial and not, is discussed so that every helper can understand the grip, it’s progression through a range of equipment and how to promote grip work. Because the professional service dog should progress through a variety of gear at the appropriate growth stages, Franco will detail the use of the body bite suit; it’s true purpose and the importance of fit and mobility. The use of hidden and traditional sleeves is discussed for the understanding of preparation for body bite suit work and the promotion of deep bites that utilize the premolars and molars as optimal. The use and benefit of a back-tie is discussed from a utilitarian standpoint but also as an instructional tool for bite placement, grip promotion and canine safety.
In addition, Franco details his simple concept of a “drive triangle” and the inputs that alter drive balance and how the helper can adjust incrementally and measurably to strengthen and modify behavior. Because the job of the helper is bite promotion, this information is critical for the service dog unit. Handler support, physical control of the dog and approach during bite work is detailed. Franco’s method for removal from equipment is demonstrated and the importance of non-competing behaviors is discussed for handler-helper harmony and clarity during sessions.
The broad category of “Environment” is discussed as a means to understanding stress, how to incrementally challenge the dog and create meaningful progressive wins. Teamwork between handler, helper and dog is emphasized throughout while fostering the “aura of invincibility” in the mind of the dog through clarity and feedback on the way to creating a truly powerful K9 partner.
This title is ideal for anyone that works with the service K9’s on either end of the leash; both handlers and helpers. Through understanding the communication and teamwork, training progression is greatly improved, accelerated and strengthened.
Chapters include:
The Pre-Requisites
- Understanding the Dog
- Canine Behaviors
- The Balanced Dog
- Canine Communication
- Behavioral Signals
- What to Use
- Sleeves
- The Bite Suit
- The Harness and Back-Tie
- Detrimental Equipment
Teamwork: The Handler and Helper
- The Back-Tie
- The Handler’s Role
- Environment
Copyright 2019 Canine Training Systems®, 16:9 Widescreen Hi-Definition, 1 hour 29 minutes, Podium View™ On Demand Streaming.
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