The Trendsetter in Canine Performance Video!™


Training Through Pictures with Dave Kroyer - Learning to Learn Streaming

with Dave Kroyer


  • KROY-1 Training Through Pictures with Dave Kroyer- Learning to Learn "CTS hit it outta the park!!!"

    |By: Dave Kroyer

    Although the DVD took quite a while to produce, the project was a major undertaking for a few reasons. Up to this point in dog sports, no one has really touched on this type of training and theory and the beginning stages are very 'conceptual'. It's not really a 'this is how to teach sit,down,heel behaviors' project.  It's something MUCH greater and has many depths and layers to it.  It was crucial my info made a clean transfer from outline to script into narration and video.  Doug and CTS hit it outta the park!!!  It's a beautiful production and I feel the info is ULTRACLEAR!  I am super proud of the work everyone has contributed to the project!

  • KROY-1 Training Through Pictures with Dave Kroyer (Series) is absolutely excellent.

    |By: Randy Hare

    The "Dave Kroyer" series "Training Through Pictures" produced by Canine Training Systems is absolutely excellent. The producers use of graphs, meters, and charts is rivaled in clarity only by Kroyer's use of the conditioned reinforcer. I highly recommend this series. You won't be disappointed.

    Randy Hare
    Alpha k-9 Training Center
    Jackson MS

  • KROY-NW-1 & 2 Training Through Pictures Nose Work Series

    |By: Jan Hitchborn

    I wanted to take a moment to say how going back and spending time with the Kroyer videos on Nose Work and getting shaping boxes to reshape and solidify my Lab's odor indication have meant to both dog and me. I took a seminar with Dave just before starting to trial in UKC novice nose work. We were being successful and I blew off the training method he was using (yeah, blew off the expert's advice!). We were successful and in three different trials earned all PTs and got the novice title and had moved into advance and superior in various events. 

    However I was always nervous on whether my dog had really found odor as his indication was a nose touch with a look and possible a bark. But he barked if "in odor" and not just there yet. Novice is forgiving and as I watch those in higher levels succeed and/or fail, it became apparent the dog needed to be able to say "this it" and hold it so there was no confusion or doubt. Fortunately one of my instructors became a "believer" and was teaching it but not pushing until she saw how it worked with her dogs. 

    That was all I needed. I had bought some shaping boxes and after earning the novice title I followed Dave's video. For two weeks my Lab got his two meals a day at the shaping box and I learned to use a clicker. We did target table then shaping box on floor then on chair then on table then to a briefcase. Made him hold and eventually did all the distractions to pull him off. He became rock solid and it helped him learn his job and how to search. The Kroyer move on to vehicles has made vehicle search make sense to my dog. Whenever my Lab gets nonchalant about the search, we go back to shaping box drills. Another instructor had become a believer in this method and she is excited about how far and confident my Lab has become. When he barks it means in odor but not on it or he is frustrated and I do not call alert or wonder. At all practices I demand the hold on odor. I no longer want to be fast. I want him to be accurate. We are starting handler discrimination and I see the world of search and rescue out there in the future. It has even been suggested we look at cancer detection in future as we progress as a team. 

    Now, don't get me wrong. I see and know there will be failures in our future but thanks to this system we will know what and how to fix. I cannot tell you what pride I feel for my Lab to watch him search an area as he knows his job and he goes about it in a systematic way. Another benefit of this method it has taught me to shut up! I give two commands only in a search - find it and where/show me (his command to hold the odor indication pose on odor until he hears Alert. I am constantly moving and he is learning to totally ignore what I am doing. We also "train up" and if on a multi hide search I of course need to say find.

    Jan Hitchborn

    email testimonial

     Training Through Pictures with Dave Kroyer- Nose Work 1 & 2

  • KROY-NW-1 & 2 Training Through Pictures Nose Work Series

    |By: Victor A. Borras RN, CEN, BBA

    Hey Dave, after discovering and adopting your system in my training regiment, my dog has flourished and developed a solid, reliable, and durable indication. Since I removed myself from cueing and influencing her in the search grid, she has become more confident and independent in her search behaviors.

    Even though I have had my detractors about adopting your system of training, I can report to you without reservation your method of training has dramatically improved my dogs performance and attitude. Your system is applicable to any breed and every type of dog. My fearful and unconfident dog is living proof! I can trial her with an expectation that not only will she qualify but place in any Nosework trial. 

    Thanks again for developing your training system and making this revolutionary system available to everyone through your seminars and training videos. I have benefited by both and will continue to be a disciple of your system.

    Sincerely, Victor A. Borras RN, CEN, BBA

  • KROY-NW-1 & 2 Training Through Pictures Nose Work Series

    |By: Brenda Dreyer

    I would like to express my JOY and EXCITEMENT in Dave Kroyer’s training method to Nose Work!!!  I show in Obedience and Rally Competitions but wanted to do something a little more fun with my boys and had an opportunity to experience Nose Work.  I became interested in Nose Work back in February when I attended a Nose Work Seminar.  We were being taught to associate FOOD with the Scent.  As I started this with my 2 Aussies, I started questioning the method because I was not able to read my dogs behavior AND I was wondering if they were actually going for the scent or the food.  After much research, I found Dave Kroyer.  WOW!!!!  I purchased the Nose Work DVD set and I am thoroughly impressed on how detailed and easy these training videos are.  I have watched the first video (INDICATION) 3 times!  The first time to watch all the way through, the second time to take detailed notes, and the third time to follow as I progress through the stages.  In just 2 sessions, my dogs are already downing and placing their noses in the box with me standing over and beside the box.  LOVE THIS METHOD and I am extremely excited to see my boys progress through the stages.

    I would like to also add, I have now called Canine Training Systems 3 times for various questions.  I have never had to leave a voice message, someone always answers the phone.  Doug has always answered my questions plus some!  He has never made me feel like I was asking a “stupid” question.  He has never made me feel like he was in a rush to get off the phone.  He is extremely knowledgeable in every aspect of Nose Work and offers any and all advice.  Our conversations have lasted 30mins sometimes!!!  The Customer Service is way over the top, something you don’t see very often now a days!! To sum up, WOW WOW WOW, Very Pleased!!!!!

    Sincerely, Brenda Dreyer

    CJ - CJ’€™s Wanabe Rocky Mountain High RAE CDX (currently working UD) CGC

    Yeager - Freestyle's Breaking the Sound Barrier CGC

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