Concepts in Reinforcement- Training with Food with Dave Kroyer Streaming
The biggest obstacles to clean, high scoring exercises in obedience are often learned in the early stages of training. Almost certainly unintentional, problems arise due to a lack of clarity in behavior creation and performing clean repetitions of behaviors at the correct learning stages. The number of repetitions required for a dog to understand a desired behavior and commit clean, isolated behavior to long-term memory is very high.
Ideally, we’d like a dog that will work for reinforcement over time with little variation in intensity with clear focus and very few extraneous movements or behaviors as a result of frustration. As trainers, our job is to shape every dog to this ideal through clear communication and appropriate reinforcement at the correct stages of learning. A large part of this equation is being clear what is desirable and communicating this to our dog. Every dog is different and our goal is to provide satisfying reinforcement to the dog for a high degree of effort for the dog we have, whether it’s genetic makeup is “ideal” or not. We want to establish work ethic upon which solid performance can be built for our mutual enjoyment of the sport and teamwork.
In this title,
Concepts in Reinforcement- Training with Food with Dave Kroyer, Dave demonstrates his techniques of establishing incredible work ethic with the use of food from the beginning. Through an explanation of the many
Read More ▼ Concepts in Reinforcement- Training with Food with Dave Kroyer Streaming
The biggest obstacles to clean, high scoring exercises in obedience are often learned in the early stages of training. Almost certainly unintentional, problems arise due to a lack of clarity in behavior creation and performing clean repetitions of behaviors at the correct learning stages. The number of repetitions required for a dog to understand a desired behavior and commit clean, isolated behavior to long-term memory is very high.
Ideally, we’d like a dog that will work for reinforcement over time with little variation in intensity with clear focus and very few extraneous movements or behaviors as a result of frustration. As trainers, our job is to shape every dog to this ideal through clear communication and appropriate reinforcement at the correct stages of learning. A large part of this equation is being clear what is desirable and communicating this to our dog. Every dog is different and our goal is to provide satisfying reinforcement to the dog for a high degree of effort for the dog we have, whether it’s genetic makeup is “ideal” or not. We want to establish work ethic upon which solid performance can be built for our mutual enjoyment of the sport and teamwork.
In this title,
Concepts in Reinforcement- Training with Food with Dave Kroyer, Dave demonstrates his techniques of establishing incredible work ethic with the use of food from the beginning. Through an explanation of the many benefits of the use of food as a primary reinforcer for teaching behaviors, Dave also explains the pitfalls of using prey reward to teach behaviors. Through understanding the stages of training, motivators in general, the relationship to communication and many misconceptions surrounding use, we will introduce you to the tremendous benefits of food as a primary reinforcer.
By initially working completely on the dog’s agenda, Dave demonstrates how to mentally condition the dog to fully engage the handler for work while utilizing food predictability and reward schedules appropriately to shape and strengthen behaviors at the correct stages. A variety of food types are discussed for both the benefit of nutrition and ease of delivery. Reward presentation is covered and establishing cues as predictors for the work session rather than physical criteria like pouches, vests or clothing is discussed. The 4 types of reinforcement are covered and the proper use of variable ratio reinforcement is discussed.
Chapters include:
- Introduction
- The 3 Phases of Training
- Motivators
- Reinforcers - Primary Reinforcers: Toys & Food
- Reinforcers - Secondary Reinforcers: Signals & Markers
- The Misconceptions - Starvation and Bribery
- The Truth About Food
- The Transaction - How it Works
- Types and Preparation
- Conditioning & Technique - Mental Conditioning
- Conditioning & Technique - Delivery Technique
- Reward Schedules
- Conclusion - Making it Happen
Copyright 2016 Canine Training Systems®, 16:9 Widescreen Hi-Definition, 1 hour 14 minutes, Podium View™ On Demand Streaming.
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