Competitive Agility Training with Jane Simmons-Moake- Advanced Skills Training DVD
This beautiful DVD illustrates the isolation and training of many of the highest-level advanced skills needed to compete successfully at the most advanced levels of dog agility competition. It also describes how to strengthen existing skills for attaining predictable, solid performances in the Agility ring.
English Chapter List:
- Introduction
- Advanced Weave-Pole Skills
- Sending Through the Weave-Poles
- The “Weave-Ball” Game
- Proofing Weave-Pole Entries
- Sliding off the Table
- The Table-Racing Game
- Send and Run
- Layering
- Obstacle Discrimination
- The “Get Out” Command
- Pinwheels
- Folding
- Zig-Zag Jump Sequences
- “Heel” and “Side” Commands
- Advanced Distance Work
- Linear Distance
- Gambles
- Training at Home
German Chapter List:
- Introduction
- Spezielle Fähigkeiten beim Slalom
- Schicken durch den Slalom
- Das “Slalom-Ball” Spiel
- Der Sichere Slalomeingang
- Das Rutschen vom Tische
- “Das Wettrenen”
- Schicken und Laufen
- Sandwich Technik
- Verleitungen
- Das Hörzeichen “Herum”
- Der Stern
- Das Falten
- Die Tanne
- Die Hörzeichen “Fuß” und “Hand”
- Distanztraining
- Gerade Distanz
- Sequenzen auf Distanz
- Training zu Hause
Copyright Canine Training Systems®, 82 Minutes.
We offer two language versions of this title. Please specify the correct format- DVD-English (NTSC) or DVD-Deutsch (NTSC) when ordering.