Schutzhund with Gottfried Dildei- Protection DVD
This production details how to teach your dog to understand his work fully and to develop aggressive drives at the correct growth stages. As dog sport has matured in North America, the determination of who stands atop podiums is often based on excellence in the obedience phase. When ties occur, those tie breakers are based on protection scores. Gottfried's protection techniques dovetail with his obedience work to form a cohesive style that is easily taught through progression and "instrumental" behaviors. Attention, control and the balance between intensity, calm grips and fighting drive of the dog combine to create an unforgettable performance. In this production, Gottfried demonstrates how to establish the "mood" that balances these ingredients and produces memorable, strong performances in a variety of breeds and drive levels.
English Chapters include:
- Introduction
- Style of Agitation
- Activity
- Protection without Compulsion
- Spirit
- Puppy Training
- Training the Dog
- The Frontal Bite
- The Hold and Bark
- The Out
- Obedience on the Protection Field
- The Blind Search
- Finishing Touches
German Chapters include:
- Einleitung
- Stil des Hetzens
- Aktivität
- Schutzdienst ohne Zwang
- Positive Einstellung
- Junghund Training
- Die Ausbildung 1. Der Anfang
- The Der Frontale Anbiss
- Das Stellen und Verbellen
- Das Aus
- Unterordnung beim Schutzdienst
- Das Revieren
- Abschliessende Feinheiten
Copyright Canine Training Systems®, 89 minutes.
We offer two language versions of this title. Please specify the correct format- DVD-English (NTSC) or DVD-Deutsch (NTSC) when ordering.