The Trendsetter in Canine Performance Video!™


Schutzhund with Gottfried Dildei- The Tracking Set

with Gottfried Dildei


  • V-SCH-DIL-1 Video Review- "Schutzhund with Gottfried Dildei: Basic Obedience"

    |By: William Kachman

    This is the first of Dildei's two obedience tapes (the second one, "Advanced Obedience" will be covered next issue). For those of you who like a no-nonsense appraisal and want to get to the bottom line, let me say this: this tape is excellent.

    The subjects covered are:

    1. heeling (including correct position, heeling in circles, straight lines, left turns, right turns and about turns)
    2. sits (from a stationary position, sit in motion and sit-stays)
    3. downs (from a stationary position, down in motion and down-stays).

    It doesn't sound like much, does it? But the approaches and techniques revealed in this tape make it a very worthwhile investment to the serious dog trainer (or even the not-so-serious trainer who simply wants a more humane way to train a dog and end up with a happier and better trained dog in the bargain).

    The tape opens with a discussion of drive, arguing that a dog's drive to work is not merely one dimensional (i.e. a high drive dog or a low drive dog) but two dimensional (focused drive or hectic drive). In other words, a dog with high drive may still be a poor obedience dog because he is hectic in his drive (too much energy and no ability to concentrate it into the task at hand), rather than focused (tons of energy, all of it driving forward into the exercise he is supposed to be doing). Dildei shows us examples of dogs from a number of those categories, and believe me the difference is critical and dramatic.

    Dildei then reveals his approach to training, all designed to produce the focused high drive dog. For this reason Dildei uses food in teaching every exercise, using it both as a motivator and as a reward. Prey rewards, as Dildei shows on the tape (with the gracious cooperation of Stewart Hilliard) pump up the high drive but unfortunately reduce the dog's focus.

    The techniques and timing of the use of food are critical to the success of the training program. Dildei shows that improper use of food, as in baiting the dog to work, actually teach the dog to reduce his focus.

    Another of Dildei's concepts that it is key to producing a dog with focused drive is his approach to pattern training. Pattern training permits the dog to anticipate the handler's next move and Dildei shows us how to train to avoid the pitfalls of anticipation (like when the dog sits before he's commanded to do so).

    The golden thread that ties the program together is confidence in each other. Each has a sense of control over the other, the handler controls the dog with commands, the dog controls the handler by forcing him to give the dog rewards when the dog behaves in the correct manner.

    The training program is excellent and the video format is a great way to teach it. I recommend it in conjunction with the Booth-Dildei book reviewed in a previous issue of Shepherd Sports.

    William Kachman 1994
    Shepherd Sports, Canada

  • V-SCH-DIL Testimonial- "Schutzhund with Gottfried Dildei: Tracking"

    |By: P.H.

    I just received and watched the new Gottfried Dildei Tracking Video. It's a wonderful video -- superb, visual artistry and clear presentation. It was a joy to see a well-made video. Many thanks to Susan Barwig and Stewart Hilliard for allowing me a chance to see and hear Gottfried Dildei "in action". I eagerly wait for the other three Dildei videos that I ordered. Keep up the good work...

    Yours in the sport,


    April 9, 1993

  • V-SCH-DIL-1 Testimonial- "Schutzhund with Gottfried Dildei: Basic Obedience"

    |By: Tammy Severson

    Dear Sirs;

    I just received my order and watched the first DVD. I am SOLD! The G Dildei method is a hit in my book! Sometimes you never know what to expect when you order on line but I am truly satisfied.

    Thank You!

    Tammy Severson (via e-mail)
    Bear Creek K9

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